Instagram for real estate agents
Social media can be an intimidating world to tackle. But the popularity and appeal of Instagram makes this a valuable tool to generate new leads and referrals and to keep yourself top of mind for clients ready to take the plunge into the market — especially for the millennial demographic. Here are a few tips to start an Instagram account for your real estate business and how to produce content that generates leads.
Differentiate accounts
Already have a personal Instagram account? Great! That means you’re already familiar with the basics. It may be tempting to start adding clients or following agents you respect with this same account. But creating a new account specific to your real estate brand will be important to keep your messaging consistent and create a more professional look. It’s not to say that you can’t add a bit of personality to your professional account, but more so that you can shape and hone that personality differently than you would for family and friends.
Convert it to a business account
The next step to make things “official” is convert your account into a business account. This allows you to access insights and data like traffic to your account and the number of clicks you recieve. This will help you to better understand which posts resonate best with your audience. Most importantly, you’ll also get data on the demographics of your followers which is great for understanding your audience and catering content towards them.
Create value
On the note of content, the right images and captions are what will draw in new followers. Images of new listings and stylized interiors will certainly help, but you can also add value to your images with helpful tips, news and information. Perhaps you’ve got a great decluttering hack for those getting ready to put their homes on the market, or can give followers the scoop on a change in mortgage rules. This will help position you as an authority in the real estate market and someone worth following.
A strong following and great content will get you far. But to truly bring your Instagram account to the next level, invest some time in engaging with your followers. Acknowledge and reply back to comments on your posts, especially those asking questions. Check your direct messages and reply back promptly (you may have leads waiting for you here!). Follow other accounts related to real estate, lifestyle, decor and the community you live in to keep abreast of trends and participate in conversations which helps others discover you.
Building a strong Instagram presence certainly takes time, but it can be a worthwhile endeavor especially if you are targeting millennial customers. Don’t forget that if you have the means, this is a service you can easily outsource to a reliable contractor.