General Info
How long has Mission Response been in business?
Mission Response was founded in 1999 as a marketing company dedicated to providing services to REALTORS® in the residential real estate market.
Where are Mission Response marketing programs available?
Anywhere in Canada.
What kind of results can I expect?
That is the most often asked question we receive. The fact is that the sales leads, listing presentations, actual listings and actual transactions our programs generate go to our clients – not to us. So we are reliant on our clients for this type of information – and this type of “hard” information is difficult to obtain. However, this is what we do know:
Renewal Rates
Our renewal rates are over 90%. This applies to both Realty Sweep™ and Keep In Touch™. Repeat business, year after year after year, is an excellent indication of a successful program. Simply put, our clients would not be renewing at these high rates were they not satisfied with their results. Happily, we also have many clients who have been with us for well over ten years!
Low Break-Even Point
The vast majority of Realty Sweep™ programs have a break-even point of less than one transaction per year. We will show you exactly what your break-even point is for any farming program you undertake – and also show you what market share is actually required to break even. You will likely be amazed at what the numbers will actually show.
Anecdotal Client Comments
Here are some of the comments we hear over and over again from our clients:
“Before I started my listing presentation, the client pulled out a stack of my Realty Sweep™ newsletters which they had been saving in a file for over a year.” [we hear this type of comment literally every week]
“I received a call from a farm area prospect wondering what happened to my December issue.” [reference to the fact that our client decided to “skip” his December Realty Sweep™ issue underscoring the perceived value of the communication]
“I was able to get a listing despite the fact that the client has a family member in the business – and I was able to get it a full commission!” [enormous benefit of being perceived as the area specialist]
“My clients are so impressed with the quality of the articles in my Keep In Touch™ newsletter. The content is really outstanding.” [we also hear variations of this type of comment literally every week]
Renewal Rates
Our renewal rates are over 90%. This applies to both Realty Sweep™ and Keep In Touch™. Repeat business, year after year after year, is an excellent indication of a successful program. Simply put, our clients would not be renewing at these high rates were they not satisfied with their results. Happily, we also have many clients who have been with us for well over ten years!
Low Break-Even Point
The vast majority of Realty Sweep™ programs have a break-even point of less than one transaction per year. We will show you exactly what your break-even point is for any farming program you undertake – and also show you what market share is actually required to break even. You will likely be amazed at what the numbers will actually show.
Anecdotal Client Comments
Here are some of the comments we hear over and over again from our clients:
“Before I started my listing presentation, the client pulled out a stack of my Realty Sweep™ newsletters which they had been saving in a file for over a year.” [we hear this type of comment literally every week]
“I received a call from a farm area prospect wondering what happened to my December issue.” [reference to the fact that our client decided to “skip” his December Realty Sweep™ issue underscoring the perceived value of the communication]
“I was able to get a listing despite the fact that the client has a family member in the business – and I was able to get it a full commission!” [enormous benefit of being perceived as the area specialist]
“My clients are so impressed with the quality of the articles in my Keep In Touch™ newsletter. The content is really outstanding.” [we also hear variations of this type of comment literally every week]
Can I have my newsletters customized with my personalized branding?
Yes, all of our new set-ups are customized to incorporate our clients key personal branding elements. Our talented team of graphic artists will review all of your branding elements (logos, key colours, “look and feel”) and ensure that your newsletters will become a seamless addition to the rest of your marketing.
Will there be a real person to help me when I have questions?
We pride ourselves on delivering excellent customer service with a personal touch. We are extremely “hands on” when it comes to dealing with queries. Our goal is to answer all queries on the same day that they are received. In addition, our culture encourages our clients to contact us as much as possible so we can help them to get the absolute most out of their programs.
Is your website easy to use to update custom content for my programs?
Yes, not only is our website extremely user friendly, all of our new clients receive a mandatory “orientation” session in which all the facets of the “client only” section of the site are explained in a relaxed, “one-to-one” setting over the phone.
Is my client data protected?
Yes, all of your client data is protected by our strict privacy policy. We will never share any of our client data with any third party under any circumstances at any time. In addition, all of your client data is backed up to the cloud on a constant basis, so it is virtually impossible for your data to be lost. That said, it is your responsibility as a client to keep your User Name/Password combination private and, in the case of using a “bull pen” computer to Logout after any session.
Realty Sweep™
How do you handle Canada Post route changes or “restructures”?
We are all over this each and every month. We will recreate the program based on the new walks and clearly document the changes to you, both visually and numerically. In each case, the objective is to continue to mail the same prospects as prior to the restructure to the maximum extent possible.
Do all of the Realty Sweep™ formats receive the same article content?
No, there are some differences. Please click here to see these differences.
Can I see what my newsletter content will be in advance?
Yes, by clicking on the Scheduled Content tab on the Manage My Programs page. You must be logged in as a client to view this page.
Is my Realty Sweep™ farm area exclusive to me or will other agents be able to send your newsletters to my territory?
Your Realty Sweep™ farm area is fully protected. We have “zero overlap” within our Realty Sweep™ distribution grid.
Can you help me select a farm area for my Realty Sweep™ program?
Yes, we can provide you with a comparative turnover analysis among different farm area alternatives, as well as key market diagnostics (e.g., average price, days on market, etc.) and a financial payback analysis which will incorporate your own unique financial parameters (e.g., commission rate, commission split, deal-related fees, marginal tax rate, etc.).
Can I target specific streets, townhouse complexes or single condo buildings with my Realty Sweep™ newsletters?
Yes, our state-of-the-art WalkBoss system allows us to home in on your precise target within seconds. Then we can use either Neighbourhood Mail (previously known as Unaddressed Admail) or Personalized Mail (previously known as Addressed Admail) to distribute your newsletters. That selection will be based on the most cost-efficient option, given your precise target.
How many featured properties can I submit for my Realty Sweep™ newsletters?
You can submit up to 9 featured properties, although most clients typically submit a maximum of 3 properties so they can also have appropriate articles as well.
What if I don’t have any featured properties to submit for a particular issue?
That’s fine. We have default article content ready to go to occupy that space on your newsletter.
Am I required to submit a personal message every month for my Realty Sweep™ newsletters?
No, we create a generic message every month for you to use as a “default” in the event you don’t submit a message. This generic message will be well-written, topical and will stand you in good stead, however it will not be locally relevant to your particular territory. Your ability to create a locally relevant message for your territory will help make the newsletter more effective – and the good news is that we have tools in place to help you do just that!
In addition to my Realty Sweep™ newsletter, can I add card mailings?
Yes, our Realty Sweep™ Card program is an ideal optional addition to your Realty Sweep™ Newsletter. The Realty Sweep™ Card is timed to go out exactly two weeks after the Newsletter, offering you two touchpoints per month for your farm area.
Keep In Touch™
How do I make changes to my database?
You can access your Keep In Touch™ database online at anytime to make changes to it. You can add, delete or edit data records 24/7.
If I make a change to my database will it be reflected on my next newsletter?
That depends upon when you made the change. Please click on the Production Schedule tab which is located on the Manage My Programs page to view the database deadlines associated with each issue.
Is my contact database safe with Mission Response?
Yes! We take this very seriously - your contact database is your property and we respect that completely. We will never sell, distribute or use your contact database for any purpose other than what you instruct us to do with it. You can modify or download your contact database directly from your account at any time.
How often should I send a Keep in Touch™ newsletter to my database of clients and prospects?
We offer two frequency options: Monthly (12 issues per year) and Bi-Monthly (6 issues per year). The decision should be largely based on the nature of your database. If your database is composed mostly of people that you know very well and/or you have done business with during the past two years, the Bi-Monthly option may make more sense. On the other hand, if your database is not characterized in the above fashion, you may be better off with the Monthly option.
Can I segment my database between the Monthly and Bi-Monthly options?
Can I add one name at a time as I meet or develop new prospects and clients?
Can I display featured properties on my Keep in Touch™ newsletter?
Yes, up to four per issue.
Can I write my own message for my Keep in Touch™ newsletter?
Yes, in fact, there are two possible places on the newsletter to do just that.
What happens if I don’t submit a message or featured properties for my Keep in Touch™ newsletter?
That’s not a problem at all. We have excellent default content which is ready to go even if you submit absolutely nothing
Do I need to send cards to my farm area if I already have a newsletter program there?
That depends upon how many touchpoints you need after considering everything else you’re also doing for your farm area. You should try to have at least 24 touchpoints per year in total (Keller Williams actually recommends 33 touchpoints).
Should I use a Realty Sweep™ Card or a Farm FlexCard™?
Realty Sweep™ Card is recommended to augment a Realty Sweep™ Newsletter program. Farm FlexCards™ are a better choice if you want to conduct an ultra-high frequency campaign (three or more mailings per month) at a low price point.
When should I use Express FlexCards™?
When you want your mailing to go out immediately – to support a new listing or a newly sold property for example.
Can I send FlexCards™ outside of my farm area?
Yes, Express FlexCards™ can be sent anywhere at any time. However, if you choose to farm with the FlexCards™ program, we will set up a specific farm area for you (Farm FlexCards™).
Can I have both an Express FlexCard™ program and a Farm FlexCard™ program at the same time?