

Evaluating your personal brand
A+ Agent

Evaluating your personal brand

Establishing a strong personal brand will not only attract the attention of prospective clients but it also encourages favourable reviews and referrals down the road. Here are a few ways that you can evaluate and build your personal brand.

Gather feedback

Reach out to former clients that you have a good relationship with and request their feedback on your strengths and areas of improvement. What adjectives would they use to describe you and your business? You can gather feedback in person, over the phone or by email. If you’re new to real estate or don’t feel comfortable contacting former clients for this purpose, try reaching out to friends, family, former colleagues, mentors or vendors like contractors and stagers that you’ve worked with. The important part is to encourage respondents to be as open and honest as possible so they can shed light on both the positives and the negatives.

Assess your strengths and weaknesses

Using this feedback, along with your own personal feelings and observations, conduct an honest assessment of yourself and your business detailing strengths and weaknesses. You can write down everything from personal traits or habits, like being confident or being a procrastinator, to business-minded strengths and weaknesses like excellent cold calling skills or improving proficiency in a second language. Write down these traits, skills and characteristics on a large piece of paper. Then, write down phrases you associate with your strengths and circle the words that you think best resonate with your brand and personality.

Create a mission statement

Using the keywords you’ve identified, and perhaps a few important areas of improvement you want to build on, create a mission statement for your real estate practise incorporating a few of the adjectives and qualities you’ve highlighted for inspiration. Your mission statement should summarize what you stand for as a real estate agent – and it doesn’t need to be an essay! In fact, crafting a short and sweet mission statement that’s just a sentence long can be more effective and sometimes even more challenging than penning a whole paragraph.

Mission Response Agent Branding – We’re happy to help will all your branding needs. Just give us a call to learn more! 416-236-0543 or 1-888-673-4752

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