

Build a better real estate blog
Marketing Tips

Build a better real estate blog

Having an online presence as a real estate agent doesn’t end at creating a website. Generating regular blog posts helps to keep your name on the radar of the community while promoting brand awareness and generating new leads. Here are some suggestions for building a better real estate blog.

Create community-specific content

Some of the most successful real estate agents have made a name for themselves as being neighbourhood experts. An easy way to establish your authority over a neighbourhood’s ins and outs is to create neighbourhood-specific content for your blog. While posts on decorating and staging tips are still beneficial, ensure you’ve still got great content about what’s happening in your neighbourhood. This could include a rundown of local events, profiles and reviews on local businesses and restaurants, and suggestions on things to see and do.

Develop a content calendar (and stick to it!)

It’s easy to throw up a few posts on your website and call it a day. But the most effective real estate blogs have a regular calendar and schedule of posting. Posts every week, or at the least, every month will show potential homebuyers that you’re active and up-to-date with the community’s latest. Plan out your calendar and the topics you’ll cover in batches of five so that you have a regular flow of great ideas coming out.

Outsource blog writing

Feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of writing blog posts? If you have the funds available, this is an easy task to outsource to a freelance writer. Ensure that the writer you hire lives in, or is very familiar with, the communities you work in. You can request the writer pitch blog post ideas in advance of writing or you can assign them topics to cover.

Promote through social media

Once you’ve got great content up on your blog, make sure to spread the word by promoting these posts on your social media accounts. Posting about your blog content on Facebook makes it easy for followers and fans to share and increase awareness of your business. In turn, more and more potential clients will become aware of your expertise and will be encouraged to follow your social media accounts.

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